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Process control in a sentence

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Sentence count:172Posted:2018-08-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: access controlprocess schedulerprocess capabilityarms controlmicrocontrollerbrightness contrastcontrol programcentral processing unit
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1. Statistical process control is a technology that uses statistics to monitor the steps in a process, often a manufacturing process.
2. Process control has reams of output data that need organizing and interpreting.
3. Process control nets will need to respond to changes in the process.
4. The use of statistical process control by world class manufacturing companies shows how non-financial information can be used to improve performance.
5. In industry and science, process control and equipment monitoring can be far more reliable and effective using a micro.
6. Two 16-year-old process control trainees have been sponsored for a two-year college-based training course in Edinburgh.
7. They understood statistical process control, total quality customer service, reengineering, and the economics and finance of film manufacturing.
8. The flowchart, main equipment and process control is review.
9. Collect and analyze statistical process control data.
10. Record the process control data of every sterilization lot.
11. Every process from a process control block (PCB) said.
12. New electronic throttle device, achieve null process control.
13. With the development of Process Control Technology, the real-time control system is widely utilized in various fields of automation controlling.
14. In a steam power plant, after enhancement of process control and administration, medium-loss at boiler unit is obviously reduced; scar-removing ratio is reduced from 6.
15. Industrial process control software and hardware growth should not be underestimated .
16. Through the experiment of application COMI converter steel-making process control dust, results showed that: increasing the proportion of CO2 injection, converter dust continued to lower core loss.
17. Process control of bonderizing was discussed from bonderizing principle in this paper.
18. This procedure does not allow for adaptability, essential for applications such as process control, which must change as conditions fluctuate.
19. The curriculum expands to include hydraulics, basic pneumatics, electronics, and statistical process control.
20. Future steps could include moving from process monitoring to process control.
21. This approach also provides a direct illustration of one major application of microprocessors in process control.
22. An important element of this is to have all key variables in the manufacture of these raw materials under process control.
23. The two companies reckon this combination will appeal to developers of process control systems using real-time monitoring.
24. Recent studies of intermittent turbulence within chaotic systems are being applied to process control with considerable success.
25. Every batch produced is closely monitored by quality and process control departments.
26. The reheating furnace process computer system goals are mainly dynamic production process control, process operation records tracking[], and production process optimization with metallurgy model.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. Second, optical broadband monitoring is combined with additional quartz crystal sensors to realize a hybrid process control for improving layer thickness accuracy.
28. The main functions, hardware component, network configuration and software design idea of process control level, basic automation level and field execution level for this control system are described.
29. A digital pulse generator for a silicon controlled rectifier and digital PID algorithm for some industrial process control are realized by the microcontroller.
30. The cold continuous rolling mill's simulation research has important significance for both optimizing process control model and improving processing characteristics.
More similar words: access controlprocess schedulerprocess capabilityarms controlmicrocontrollerbrightness contrastcontrol programcentral processing unitproduction controlconcurrent processingprocessin processprocessedreprocessprocessorbessemer processproduction processdue processpreprocessprocessingprocessionreproduction processcoprocessorprocess dataunprocessedcontrolreprocessingpeace processprocessionalin control
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